RockYou2024: Nearly 10 Billion Passwords Leaked Online


On July 4, 2024, the cybersecurity community was rocked by the discovery of RockYou2024, the largest password compilation leak in history. This staggering breach, revealed by a Cybernews research team, includes nearly 10 billion unique plaintext passwords. The massive dataset, posted on a popular hacking forum, presents severe security risks, especially for users prone to reusing passwords.

The RockYou2024 Password Leak

The RockYou2024 password leak, tracked as the largest of its kind, was unveiled by Cybernews researchers. The file, named rockyou2024.txt, contains an astounding 9,948,575,739 unique plaintext passwords. The dataset was posted by a user named “ObamaCare,” who has a history of leaking sensitive information. This compilation is believed to be a mix of old and new data breaches, significantly increasing the risk of credential stuffing attacks.

Credit: Cybernews

A Brief History of RockYou

The RockYou series of password leaks dates back to 2009, when the original RockYou breach exposed over 32 million user account details. In 2021, the RockYou2021 compilation, containing 8.4 billion passwords, set a new record at the time. RockYou2024 expands on this legacy, adding another 1.5 billion new passwords, making it the largest password dump to date.

Impact and Exploitation Risks

The RockYou2024 leak poses significant dangers due to the vast number of real-world passwords it contains. Cyber-criminals can leverage this data to execute brute-force attacks, attempting to gain unauthorised access to various online accounts. Combined with other leaked databases containing usernames and email addresses, RockYou2024 could lead to widespread data breaches, financial fraud, and identity theft.

How to Protect Against RockYou2024

Reset Compromised Passwords

Immediately reset passwords for any accounts associated with the leaked data. Ensure new passwords are strong, unique, and not reused across multiple platforms.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Enable MFA wherever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification beyond just a password.

Implement Passwordless Solutions

Adopting passwordless solutions can further enhance security. SAML-based passwordless solutions, such as Single Sign-On (SSO) systems, eliminate the need for passwords by using secure tokens for authentication. These solutions reduce the risk of password-related attacks and improve user convenience.

Monitor Accounts and Stay Informed

Regularly monitor accounts for suspicious activity and stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices.


This recent breach highlights how fragile and unsafe passwords are, underscoring the need for more secure authentication methods. The RockYou2024 leak demonstrates that even with strong, unique passwords, the risks remain significant. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), while an added layer of security, is not foolproof. For example, MFA breaches such as the 2022 Uber hack and the attack on Microsoft’s Office 365 users in 2021 show its vulnerabilities.

Additionally, password managers are not entirely reliable. The Okta breach in 2022 and the OneLogin breach in 2017 exposed millions of user accounts, demonstrating that even these tools can be compromised.

In light of these risks, passwordless systems are emerging as the next hot trend in cybersecurity. SAML-based passwordless solutions, like PureAuth, provide enhanced security by eliminating the need for passwords and reducing the attack surface for cybercriminals.

Embracing passwordless systems, combined with continuous monitoring and updated security practices, is essential for protecting against the evolving threat landscape. Stay ahead of cyber threats by adopting innovative authentication methods and ensuring your digital assets are well-protected.

New York Times Source Code Leak


The New York Times recently experienced a significant security breach, leading to the leak of their source code. This breach was initiated through an exposed GitHub token, allowing unauthorised access to their repositories

How It Happened

An anonymous hacker posted the New York Times’ source code on 4chan. The breach occurred due to an exposed GitHub token, which provided access to over 5,000 repositories, totalling 270 GB of data. The stolen data included sensitive and proprietary information.

Response from The New York Times

The New York Times confirmed the breach and revealed that a credential was inadvertently exposed in January 2024. They quickly addressed the issue, emphasising that their systems remained non-compromised and their operations unaffected. However, this incident highlights the critical need for stringent security measures.

Implications of the Leak

The breach exposed vast amounts of data, including source code for various projects. This poses significant risks for the New York Times, including potential security vulnerabilities and intellectual property theft. The leaked data also included uncompressed tar files, with the hacker urging users to seed due to potentially insufficient seed-boxes. Reactions ranged from disbelief at the volume of repositories to jokes about the newspaper’s digital complexity.

Connection to Disney Leak

Just days before, another breach occurred involving Disney’s internal servers. A hacker associated with the defunct game Club Penguin leaked 2.5 GB of sensitive data, including corporate strategies and internal emails. This shows a disturbing trend of high-profile data breaches. The Disney breach exploited Confluence servers via exposed credentials, further emphasising the need for robust security practices.


This incident underscores the critical importance of securing access tokens and implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information. As cyber threats evolve, organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their digital assets. Securing the CI/CD Pipeline should be a priority for every organization and PureID’s CASPR can be a game-changer.

SolarWinds New 0-Day: Serv-U Update

SolarWinds Serv-U, one of the leading multi-protocol file servers, reported a critical exploit marked as CVE-2024-28995. It allows unauthorised access to sensitive files. This path traversal flaw poses a significant security risk.

Credit: CyberInsider

What is CVE-2024-28995?

CVE-2024-28995 is a path traversal vulnerability in SolarWinds Serv-U. Attackers can exploit it remotely and without authentication. It allows an attacker to send specially crafted requests to the server, potentially accessing sensitive files and data from the underlying operating system. This could include user data, server logs, and other critical files​

Historical Context

SolarWinds Serv-U has been targeted before. In 2021, a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2021-35211) was exploited by a group called Circle Typhoon. This historical precedent underscores the importance of patching vulnerabilities in managed file transfer solutions, which are prime targets for cyber criminals​.

Exploitation Details

Researchers have observed both automated and manual exploitation attempts. These began after the release of proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit details on June 18, 2024. GreyNoise reported seeing active exploitation in the wild. The PoC scripts made it relatively straightforward for attackers to leverage this vulnerability, prompting urgent calls for patching​

Implications for Organisations

Managed file transfer solutions are prime targets for ransomware groups. Examples include attacks on Accellion’s FTA, Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT, and Progress Software’s MOVEit Transfer. These attacks often result in data breaches and extortion attempt.

Mitigation and Recommendations

SolarWinds released a patch to address CVE-2024-28995. Users of Serv-U FTP and MFT solutions should upgrade to version 15.4.2 HF 2 or later. Immediate patching is crucial due to the active exploitation and sensitivity of the data at risk.

Identifying Affected Systems

Tenable has developed plugins to identify vulnerable systems. These plugins are available on the CVE page for CVE-2024-28995. Organisations should use these tools to detect and remediate this vulnerability.

Enhancing Security with Passwordless Systems

To bolster security and protect against vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-28995, consider implementing passwordless authentication systems. Traditional passwords are often a weak link in cybersecurity, prone to phishing, brute force attacks, and credential stuffing. By moving to a passwordless system, you can significantly enhance the security posture of your SolarWinds Serv-U environment.

Benefits of Passwordless Authentication:

  1. Reduced Attack Surface
  2. Improved User Experience
  3. Enhanced Security
  4. Compliance and Standards

Implementing Passwordless Systems with PureAuth:

PureAuth offers a robust passwordless authentication solution that can be integrated into your existing infrastructure. By using PureAuth, you can secure your SolarWinds Serv-U environment against unauthorised access and potential vulnerabilities.


CVE-2024-28995 is a serious vulnerability actively exploited in the wild. Organisations using SolarWinds Serv-U must prioritise patching to protect their systems. Enhancing security with passwordless systems is a proactive step in safeguarding your SolarWinds Serv-U environment. By implementing solutions like PureAuth, you can reduce the risk of exploitation from vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-28995 and ensure a more secure and user-friendly authentication process.

SnowBall effect of Snowflake Breach

Executive Summary

Snowflake an American cloud computing–based data cloud company, identified a breach in June 2024, which had far-reaching implications for various organisations. Attackers exploited stolen credentials from a Snowflake employee, enabling unauthorised access to sensitive customer data, including credentials and access tokens. This breach was exacerbated by bypassing Okta’s security measures, allowing the attackers to generate new session tokens and access extensive customer data without detection.

Key Affected Customers:

Attack Method

  • Credentials Theft: Initial access through compromised employee credentials
  • Bypass Mechanism: Circumvention of Okta Security Protocols
  • Exploitation: Generation of new session tokens to access databases and steal data

The Domino Effect

The Snowflake breach has created a domino effect, where the initial compromise has led to multiple subsequent breaches. This incident mirrors the earlier Okta breach,, where attackers leveraged stolen credentials to infiltrate various organizations.

Domino Effect of Snowflake Breach

Companies affected include:

  • Ticketmaster: Reported unauthorised access to sensitive data.
  • Advance Auto Parts: Experienced data theft, with stolen information now for sale on dark web marketplaces.
  • Santander Bank: Compromised customer data led to financial and reputational damage.
  • Hugging Face, Quote Wizard, Lending Tree: Also reported breaches, with more organizations likely to follow .

Inherent Weaknesses in Traditional IAM Solutions

Password + MFA Based Authentication:

  • Reliance on passwords makes systems vulnerable to phishing and credential theft.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is often ineffective as attackers can bypass Password + MFA protection mainly by phishing or using a compromised device.
  • Social Engineering attacks have shown that phishing resistant MFA like FIDO keys, & passkeys can prove to be ineffective & can be easily disabled or reset.

IAM Blind Spots:

Apart from reliance on vulnerable passwords for identifying user. The existing IAM solutions are blind to following risks

  • Connection Risk – Traditional IAM solutions lack visibility of user connections. They cannot know whether an authentication request is coming from an authorised actor or an attacker in the middle.
  • User’s Device Risk – They also do not account for the type & security posture of user’s devices, leaving systems exposed to malware and remote monitoring, as seen in the Uber incident.

Impact Assessment

The Snowflake breach is termed as the biggest data breach so far and it’s cascading effect has led to numerous organisations reporting security incidents & data breach. 

The amplification effect could potentially lead to a vast number of downstream breaches, escalating the overall impact.

Impact of Snowflake Breach
Credit: XQ

Towards a Secure Future

Challenges with Current Solutions:

  • Time and again Password + MFA based systems are proven to be ineffective against simple attacks like phishing & social engineering.
  • There is a pressing need for more robust authentication mechanisms.

Protect your Enterprise, #GoPasswordless with PureAUTH

FIDO Solutions like Passkeys and hardware tokens focus on giving users a passwordless experience keeping the passwords on the server as the primary way to identify and authenticate users.

PureAUTH Platform on the other hand provides a comprehensive passwordless approach, eliminating the passwords from server side & not just from user side. PureAUTH is the only solution that protects an organisation against phishing, social engineering, frauds & all types of credential-based attack.

To learn more about PureAUTH & how it protects your existing IAM systems like Okta, OneLogin, CISCO Duo, or Azure AD in just 60 minutes at Zero Cost – get in touch with us

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Okta Warns Customers of Credential Stuffing Attacks

Unpacking Okta’s Recent Security Breach

Okta Warns Customers of Credential Stuffing Attacks

In a recent advisory, Okta, a leading identity and access management services provider, sounded the alarm over a rise in credential stuffing attacks targeting online services. Let’s delve into the details of this warning and understand the implications.

Overview of the Threat

Okta reported a significant increase in the frequency and scale of credential stuffing attacks against online services in recent weeks. These attacks have been fuelled by the widespread availability of residential proxy services, lists of previously stolen credentials, and automation tools. The surge in attacks poses a severe threat to the security of user accounts and sensitive data.

Observations by Security Experts

Duo Security and Cisco Talos also observed large-scale brute-force attacks against various targets, including VPN services, web application authentication interfaces, and SSH services. The attacks, originating from TOR exit nodes and other anonymizing tunnels and proxies, targeted VPN appliances and routers from multiple vendors.

Modus Operandi of Credential Stuffing Attacks

Credential stuffing attacks involve the automated trial of username and password combinations obtained from previous data breaches or phishing campaigns. Threat actors exploit the reuse of login credentials across multiple accounts, attempting to gain unauthorised access to compromised accounts.

Recommendations for Organisations

  • Enable ThreatInsight in Log and Enforce Mode for proactive IP address blocking.
  • Deny access from anonymizing proxies to prevent attacks from dubious sources.
  • Switch to Okta Identity Engine for enhanced security features.
  • Utilize CAPTCHA challenges and passwordless authentication with Okta FastPass.
  • Implement Dynamic Zones to manage access based on geo-location and other criteria.
Okta's Warning on Credential Stuffing Attacks
Blocking anonymized requests from Admin Console > Settings > Features

Implementing these recommendations can fortify an organisation’s defence against credential stuffing attacks, ensuring a safer online environment for users and stakeholders.


Credential stuffing attacks pose a significant threat to the security of online services and user accounts. By heeding Okta’s warning and implementing robust security measures, Okta customers can better protect themselves against these malicious activities and safeguard their sensitive data.

Another approach to create a safer cyber world is to not use the typical password based authentication. By eliminating passwords, organizations can improve their defences, increase security and reduce the risk of future incidents. Typical cyber attacks such as Credential Stuffing are not applicable to Passwordless authentication, so the best way to move forward is to #gopasswordless

Read Also

Unpacking Okta’s Recent Security Breach

Okta Breach Part 2: Unveiling the Full Scope and Impact

Passwords Leaked : Microsoft in Trouble


Recent reports unveil a significant data breach at Microsoft, exposing employee passwords and confidential corporate data to the internet. This breach underscores the pressing need for robust cybersecurity protocols and heightened vigilance to safeguard sensitive information.

About the Breach

Security researchers from SOCRadar (Can Yoleri, Murat Özfidan and Egemen Koçhisarlı )discovered an open and public storage server on Microsoft’s Azure cloud service. This server was housing internal data related to the Bing search engine. Left unprotected, it exposed code, scripts, and configuration files containing credentials used by Microsoft employees to access internal systems.

Data Exposure

The exposed data poses severe risks, potentially granting malicious actors access to other confidential files within Microsoft’s network. The lack of password protection on the server facilitated easy access to sensitive information, raising concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Response and Resolution

The researchers promptly notified Microsoft of the vulnerability in February, prompting the company to secure the exposed server by March. However, the duration of the data exposure and the extent of unauthorised access remain unclear.

In a statement shared after publication on 10th April, Microsoft’s Jeff Jones said: “Though the credentials should not have been exposed, they were temporary, accessible only from internal networks, and disabled after testing. We thank our partners for responsibly reporting this issue.” But Microsoft has yet to issue an official statement addressing the breach.

Breach History: The latest addition to a series of “Mishaps”

Microsoft has faced numerous security breaches, like the ‘Summer 2023 Exchange Intrusion,’ where hackers accessed mailboxes of 22 organizations and 500 individuals, including senior US government officials. The company’s lax corporate culture and failure to prioritise security investments were criticised by the US Cyber Safety Review Board. Recent oversights, like mislabelling CVEs in Patch Tuesday releases, exposed gaps in Microsoft’s security protocols. Last year, researchers found that Microsoft employees were exposing their own corporate network logins in code published to GitHub.


As Microsoft grapples with the aftermath of this data breach, it highlights the ongoing battle against evolving cybersecurity threats. Human error is inevitable, and we require systems that are error-proof to avoid such breaches occurring in the future. By embracing secure identity and access management technologies, such as passwordless authentication, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of security lapses and enhance overall cybersecurity posture.

Read Also

Microsoft Reveals Russian Hack: Executive’s Emails Compromised

Securing Cloud Environments: Lessons from the Microsoft Azure Breach

BoAt Lifestyle: Understanding the Data Breach


A recent data breach has shaken boAt, a leading manufacturer of audio products and smartwatches. The personal data belonging to over 7.5 million customers of boAt is getting sold for 2 euro only. This breach highlights the critical need for robust security measures and the adoption of zero trust architecture to protect customer data effectively.

About the Breach

A hacker named “ShopifyGuy” claimed to have leaked personal data of over 7.5 million boAt customers on the dark web. The compromised information includes names, addresses, contact numbers, email IDs, and customer IDs, posing severe risks to customer privacy and security.

Data Loss

The leaked data, totaling approximately 2GB, exposes boAt customers to potential financial scams, identity theft, and phishing attacks. Threat actors could exploit this information to conduct fraudulent activities, posing significant threats to individuals’ financial and personal well-being.

Credit : TOI


The aftermath of the data breach includes a loss of customer confidence, legal consequences, and reputational harm for boAt. Prompt action is necessary to mitigate risks and restore trust among affected customers.

Strengthening Data Security: The Role of Zero Trust Architecture

In preventing data breaches like the one experienced by boAt, adopting a zero-trust architecture proves crucial. By implementing strict access controls, continuous monitoring, and privilege access policies, organizations can reduce the chances of unauthorised access and mitigate the risks associated with potential breaches.

With these proactive measures, boAt and other organizations can better safeguard customer data and maintain trust in an increasingly digital world.

GitHub: Millions of Secrets Exposed


In 2023, developers inadvertently leaked a staggering 12.8 million secrets on public GitHub repositories, marking a concerning 28% increase from the previous year. This revelation underscores the security challenge faced by GitHub, as highlighted in a recent report by GitGuardian, a leading security vendor in the software development realm.

Persistent Security Gap

Despite the alarming number of leaked secrets, GitGuardian found that a staggering 90% of these exposed secrets remained active even five days after the initial leakage. Shockingly, only a mere 2.6% were revoked within one hour of receiving notification via email.

The Threat of Malicious Repository Forks

The report adds to the ongoing security challenges faced by GitHub. Since mid-2023, attackers have exploited GitHub’s ecosystem, employing sophisticated tactics to infiltrate legitimate repositories and spread malware. These incidents serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in securing the software supply chain.

Commonly Leaked Secrets

The most commonly leaked secrets included Google API keys, MongoDB credentials, OpenWeatherMap tokens, Telegram Bot tokens, Google Cloud keys, and AWS IAM. These leaked credentials could potentially grant unauthorised access to sensitive enterprise resources, posing a significant threat to organisational security.

Growing Popularity of AI Services

GitGuardian’s report also shed light on the growing popularity of AI services, with a notable increase in leaks of OpenAI API keys and HuggingFace user access tokens. These findings underscore the need for heightened security measures in the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Sectoral Impact

The IT sector emerged as the worst offender, accounting for 65.9% of the total leaked secrets, followed by education, science & technology, retail, manufacturing, and finance and insurance.

It’s concerning to see India leading the charge in secret leaks, underscoring the necessity of bolstering security practices in CI/CD pipelines. This serves as a reminder of the critical need for enhanced vigilance in safeguarding sensitive data.

Call to Action

GitGuardian urged organisations to not only detect but also remediate these leaks effectively. While detection is crucial, remediation efforts are equally essential in mitigating the risks associated with leaked secrets. Additionally, organisations can enhance their security posture by leveraging advanced authentication frameworks such as PureAUTH’s CASPR module.

This module ensures codebase integrity with cryptographic verification. By implementing robust security measures and utilising advanced authentication solutions, organisations can better safeguard their data.


In conclusion, the findings from GitGuardian’s report underscore the pressing need for organisations to prioritise security measures to safeguard sensitive data and prevent unauthorised access to critical resources. The threat posed by millions of malicious repository forks since mid-2023 further highlights the importance of bolstering GitHub’s security infrastructure. By adopting advanced authentication frameworks such as CASPR, organisations can bolster their defences against security threats and ensure the integrity of their codebase.

PureID helps enter prises to remove secrets like passwords, static keys, access tokens with its passwordless technology. By adopting it’s other  advanced authentication frameworks such as ZITA – Just-In-Time-Access & CASPR code-commit protection, organisations can bolster their defences against security threats and ensure the integrity of their codebase.

Investigating Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Data Breach: A Closer Look

In recent weeks, Fidelity Investments Life Insurance has come under scrutiny following a significant data breach affecting thousands of customers. Here’s what you need to know about the incident:

1. Data Breach Details:

  • The breach, which occurred between October 29 and November 2, 2023, stemmed from an unauthorised party accessing sensitive consumer data held by Fidelity Investments Life Insurance.
  • Approximately 28,000 customers were impacted by the breach, with their personal information compromised.
  • The breached data includes names, social security numbers, dates of birth, states of residence, and financial information, particularly bank account and routing numbers used for premium payments on life insurance policies.
  • This data can contribute to an increase in phishing attacks, and uplift the risk of identity theft or financial fraud for the customers.

2. Third-Party Involvement:

  • The breach was traced back to Infosys McCamish Systems, a third-party service provider utilised by Fidelity Investments Life Insurance.
  • Infosys McCamish notified Fidelity Investments of the breach in early November, prompting an investigation into the incident.

3. Ongoing Investigation:

  • Infosys McCamish has engaged external experts to conduct a thorough investigation into the breach.
  • While the investigation is ongoing, Fidelity Investments Life Insurance officials believe that a range of sensitive customer data was compromised during the breach.

4. Customer Notifications:

  • Fidelity Investments Life Insurance has begun notifying affected customers about the breach and the potential exposure of their personal information.
  • The company emphasises its commitment to protecting customer data and pledges to take appropriate actions in collaboration with Infosys McCamish.

5. Prior Incidents:

  • This isn’t the first time Infosys McCamish has caused security breaches.
  • In a separate incident, Infosys McCamish notified Bank of America about a breach affecting over 57,000 customers enrolled in deferred compensation plans.

6. Response and Assurance:

  • Fidelity Investments Life Insurance reassures customers that they have not impacted their systems by the breach and that they have detected no related activity within Fidelity’s environment.

7. Legal Investigation:

  • The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into the data breach at Fidelity Investments Life Insurance, aiming to assess the impact on affected individuals.

8. Call for Action: Implementing Zero Trust Measures

  • To mitigate the risk of data breaches like this in the future, companies can adopt a zero trust approach.
  • By implementing strict access controls, continuous monitoring, and least privilege access policies, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of unauthorised access to sensitive data, hence lowering the risk of data and reputation loss because of a third party vendor breach.

As the investigation unfolds and affected customers are notified, Fidelity Investments Life Insurance remains focused on addressing the breach, safeguarding customer data, and ensuring transparency throughout the process.

Stay tuned for further updates as the situation develops.

#getzerotrust #gopasswordless

Atlassian Pawned by hacker group : Blame Game is on

SiegedSec, the same hacking group that made headlines last year after leaking eight gigabytes of data from the state governments of Kentucky and Arkansas, has hacked the software company Atlassian. The group has shared two floor maps for the Sydney and San Francisco offices and a JSON file containing information about approximately 13,200 Atlassian employees, including their names, email addresses, work departments and phone numbers.

Atlassian Pawned by hacker group Siegedsec. The post by Siegedsec.

SiegedSec post

“THAT’S RIGHT FOLKS, SiegedSec is here to announce we have hacked the software company Atlassian,” the hacking group said in a message that was posted along with the data. “This company worth $44 billion has been pwned by the furry hackers uwu.”

Reason and responsibility:- 

“On February 15, 2023, we became aware that an unauthorised party had compromised and published data from Envoy, a third-party app that Atlassian uses to coordinate in-office resources,” said Atlassian spokesperson Megan Sutton.

Atlassian Pawned by SiegedSec

Envoy, however, was just as quick to rebuff Atlassian’s claims. Envoy spokesperson April Marks said that the startup is “not aware of any compromise to our systems,” adding that initial research had shown that “A hacker gained access to an Atlassian employee’s valid credentials to manipulate and access the Atlassian employee directory and office floor plans held within Envoy’s app.”

Soon after the startup’s denial, Atlassian changed its stance to align more closely with Envoy. They later said an employee posted their credentials on a public repository by mistake.

Damage Control:- 

Atlassian said they disabled the account of the said employee so there is no more threat to Atlassian’s Envoy data. Therefore Atlassian product and customer data is not accessible via the Envoy app and therefore not at risk.”

“The safety of Atlassians is our priority, and we worked quickly to enhance physical security across our offices globally. We are actively investigating this incident and will continue to provide updates to employees as we learn more.”


It has become increasingly common for hacker groups to target individual employees or devices to gain access to enterprise systems. If an attacker is able to obtain an employee’s credentials, they can use that information to infiltrate the organization. To mitigate this risk, some experts recommend using a passwordless solution like PureAUTH. By eliminating passwords, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of future breaches and minimize their exposure to unforeseen vulnerabilities.